Renovation Station Bergweg
Riding School in Fryslân
House with one door
House on Mainstreet
restauration national heritage watermill
Floating house
Wooden house
Rusty Houseboat
Factory next to dike
Karlsson on the roof
Karel Appel back in Amsterdam
Underground Picnic
Fashionshow in the church
concrete bathroom furnishing
Watertower Dubbeldam
severe house for nice people
Watertower Leiden
Catalogue 2.0
Hofpleinlijn Rotterdam
Farm in Fryslân
Amstelveen Eastern Poelovers
Latent Space
Smirnoff Button Room
Hommage à Yves Klein
courtyard in Breda
Zeppelins in The Hague
Roofscape for Tripolis
The Critical Landscape
The Projective Landscape
Fire at the heart of the void
Stubborn triangles
The new faculty is already there
Deprivatisation of Urban Planning
Nemo censetur ignorare NEN-normen
Celebrity in architecture
Interview with Rem Koolhaas
2e Architectuurprijs R'dam 21dec16
Start Building Station Bergweg 29aug15
finally name on window 12nov14
Performance Roodkapje 26sep14
3e Lecture Streetwise 3okt13
2e Lecture Streetwise 18sept13
1th Lecture Streetwise 5sept13
lost Rietveld competition 5apr12
design new Rietveld building 16jan12
2e round new Rietveld building 12dec11
Lecture in Dessau 25okt11
Funding for research 18jul11
Lecture academy Rotterdam 10jun11
Kleiburg Kijkgrijp 17may11
Opening ABCschool 13apr11
Up-date de Boeg 23feb11
Publication research 20feb11
Workshop Deltaport 17jan11