On the 16th of January we (Jasper de Haan, Bas van Beek and Jeroen Kramer) presented our plan for an additional building for the school at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie. On the 26th we will do that again for the jury.

Rietveld Sandberg Parking

An extraordinary workspace that is also a parking garage. A programmatically un- determined plan-libre that fits the present academic ambitions and facilitates future needs. Hollywood teaches us that spaces used to park cars are way more exciting, in- triguing and challenging than spaces particularly designed for students and teachers. By using the length, height and grid of the old Rietveld building and the width of the Benthem & Crouwel building our proposal will merge the existing edifices into one total Rietveld/Sandberg/Parking building. Architecturally specific and programmatically free.
The old master himself is explaining our model.
The full presentation is here for downloading.
16 January 2012